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The Importance of Pushing the Limits in Digital Experiences

When a major company with a global presence was in need of a digital makeover, they turned to eDesign - we’re the small team with the firepower to dream big. They were after a digital agency that could push them beyond their limits, challenge their assumptions, and blow away their expectations. That's why they picked us - a team of talented artists who refuse to be bound by convention. We were hired to be the digital trailblazers who will propel the brand to new heights, and we couldn’t wait to show them what we've got!

In the course of our work though, things changed... This corporate giant kept restricting the project, asking us to follow “the competitors in the industry”. Several times, our client even got angry that the idea we wanted to discuss was too “out there”. Yes, they got frustrated because we brought them a bold idea.

As an agency, our job is to help our clients grow their businesses by designing effective websites and advertising campaigns. This involves pushing the limits of creativity and experimenting with new technology to create innovative and exciting marketing strategies. After all, the “e” in eDesign stands for “experiences”.

However, as a digital experience agency, our team has a unique perspective when it comes to branding, web design, and digital campaigns. We are often leveraging the latest trends and have a deep understanding of what works and what doesn't in the digital world.

It’s not uncommon for clients to feel anxious when presented with original ideas. This is why we would like to take the time and explain why creative thinking is crucial and how your brand can benefit from embracing this approach.

Digital marketing is an ever-evolving industry. To stay ahead of the curve, brands need to keep innovating. This is especially important in a crowded marketplace, where everyone is looking for ways to stand out from the competition. Bold ideas are the key to making an impact and capturing the attention of potential customers.

Creativity is more than just being bold for the sake of it. The best websites and digital campaigns are based on an understanding of your target audience and what motivates them. Data and market research are essential components that underpin our creative work. We call our method “data meets design”.

Designing a website or a campaign is a complex process that involves many factors, including aesthetics and imagination, audience research, user behavior, and an evaluation of web functionalities. Analyzing data on user preferences informs our design process and helps create a new website that resonates with audiences, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

In addition, data can also inform our content strategy. By understanding your users' interests and preferences, we create content that is relevant and interesting. This includes everything from the website's copy to the images and videos designed for your brand. We intentionally look for ways to connect with your target audience in new and exciting ways, which can lead to increased brand awareness, and ultimately, business growth.

When data meets design, the result is a stunning website or effective campaign that not only looks good but performs well and achieves its intended goals. By using data to inform our design process, we create highly functional, intuitive, and effective experiences.

Another important aspect of our work is the ability to evoke emotion. Emotions are powerful drivers of consumer behavior, and a well-executed campaign can tap into these emotions to create a memorable and lasting impression on the audience. Building an emotional connection with your customers drives brand loyalty and long-term growth.

Each of our clients has the absolute right to decide what is or is not right for their company. But it is our responsibility to think forward and present original ideas that show where their brand might go tomorrow.

When you choose a creative agency you need to trust that they have your best interests at heart. Especially if you hire us, trust that we are pushing the limits of digital for your customers’ benefit.

When an idea seems bold or risky, keep an open mind and consider discussing its benefits. To quote M.T. Fletcher in a recent AdAge article “Collaboration leads to curation, but never forget that censorship leads to mediocrity.” Be willing to co-create and refine ideas with us.

Bold ideas are only effective if they resonate with your target audience. You need to work closely with your agency to understand what motivates your customers and what types of campaigns are most likely to capture their attention.

If you're hesitant to embrace an original idea, start small and test the waters. A small-scale campaign can help you gauge the effectiveness of a particular approach before committing to a larger effort.

It's important to understand that creativity is not just about making things look pretty. It's about finding innovative ways to communicate a message and engage with an audience.

We believe that our duty as a digital experience agency goes beyond creating a website or a digital campaign. It is our responsibility to imagine where your brand might go tomorrow and share any ideas that come up on our design board. It’s by sharing original concepts that we add value to our clients. This requires a willingness to take risks and to think outside the box. It also requires a deep understanding of our client’s brands and what they are trying to achieve.

Of course, not every project is a good fit for experimenting with bold ideas. We carefully consider our client’s goals, budget, and target audience when making recommendations.